Friday, 25 August 2017

More Linus Quilts

Twenty six lovely quilts all checked, labelled, photographed and ready to be donated to the children's ward at our local hospital.

These bring the total to about 60 quilts this year - a fabulous effort! Many thanks to those who have made and continue to make quilts for this good cause.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Dabble Day

Today was the long-awaited dabble day, a chance to try:

  • microwave dyeing
  • marbling with shaving foam
  • Thermofax screens
  • Gelli printing
  • wooden print blocks
  • Inkense pencils and paint sticks
  • Markal sticks
  • stamping

A very well attended day with about 8m of fabric dyed and plenty of other pieces stamped, printed, coloured etc.

The dyed fabrics have been taken home to rinse out so we'll have to wait to see them. Meanwhile, here's everything else. It'll be interesting too see how these pieces are used.

And these two are interesting. The 'dregs' of the marbling foam scraped over stencils with some very nice results. You do have to pick out the best 'dregs' though and avoid the sludge.

A fab day enjoyed by all.